Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday July 11, 2010 - Hill Cumorah

We slept in a little, went to brunch at 10am. They had soft ice cream. If you know Janette, you know she had soft ice cream. It was a pretty good start to the day. Then off to the Hill for meetings. Unfortunately the buses seem to hae new drivers every day, we watch them drive past the dorms so the people driving the van drove after them honking. Finally they returned and we got to the Hill in time for the meetings.

THe Palmyra temple president talked to us and shared a bunch of great stories from his missions in Africa and a story about some bikers in Utah. THe Utah biker story talked about a couple biking around America and arriving in Moab. They decided to go back to the east by going north. The ended up in a dust storm and finally landed in Salt Lake City with their bikes. They talked to the sister missionaries and immediately recognized truth. Now the biker couple are....can you guess?.......ordinance workers in the Palmyra temple. Neat story.

After the meeting was personal/family time until dinner. We visited with the Manasco family who drove us to the sacred grove. We walked around and enjoyed the quiet, peaceful feeling there. I can see why Joseph picked such an area, the forests are very nice for finding the solitude he sought. The undergrowth is not as heavy as Oregon. Spencer and I helped a brother on an electric wheelchair make it through. THe battery was dying so we pushed and helped him along the way back to the visitor facilities.

Thanksgiving dinner was next. It was good.

Fireside after dinner and back to the buses. I may not have mentioned but each time we return to the dorms we have some snacks before we go to our rooms. Tonight was PIZZA! (and leftover Thanksgiving)

We are in the dorm early, 11pm. We get to sleep in. THis was a hot day but not bad humidity.

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